Community Outreach and Community Integration
Integration only occurs when government officials, businesses, and the community are willing to accept and be able to understand the problems and needs of people with diverse abilities. Help-Your-Self educates the community and brings the voice of the people to policy makers and legislators.
We conduct seminars to help the community understand and accept people's limitations and capabilities. Working at the local and national levels with entities such as the D.C. Medical Assistance Administration, the D.C. City Council, National Rehabilitation Hospital, the D.C. Long Term Care Coalition, and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, we link policy makers, the community and end users. The result is the implementation of effective programs.
We provide services to enable community integration, eliminate physical, emotional and program barriers, and educate to prevent injuries. Our educational outreach includes advice as well as practical assistance. We are able to advise on a wide variety of needs including (in alphabetical order):
- ADA Compliance
- Becoming Self Advocates
- Community Outreach
- Conflict Resolution
- Design of Integration Programs
- Eliminating Physical Barriers
- Eliminating Program Barriers
- Employment of People with Disabilities
- Improving Driving License Laws
- Increasing Communication and Tolerance
- Peer Counseling
- Prevention of Injury Education
- Sensitivity Training
- Work Incentives
Our staff and network of consultants all have experience with disabling conditions and are professionals in the development and implementation of programs, policies, and services geared towards increasing the productivity of people with disabilities. We bring our expertise to various types of organizations including public, private, government agencies, hospitals and medical facilities, educational facilities, museums, theaters, and other non-profit organizations.